GST Vidhi | GST Case Law

M/s. Birchand vs. Commissioner of DGST, Delhi and Others (Delhi High Court: W.P.(C) 9518/2024)

M/s. Birchand vs. Commissioner of DGST, Delhi and Others

Case No.: W.P.(C) 9518/2024

Order Date: 15 July 2024

Court: High Court of Delhi


Case Summary: The petitioner challenged the retrospective cancellation of its GST registration due to an unclear show cause notice that failed to specify the reasons for the proposed action and lack of a real opportunity to be heard.


Case Facts:

·       The petitioner's GST registration was issued on 01.07.2017.

·       Discrepancies in returns led to a notice on 27.01.2021, which the petitioner did not respond to.

·       A show cause notice (SCN) was issued on 16.03.2021, suspending the GST registration due to "REPLY OF ASMT-10 NOT YET FILED/RECEIVED".

·       The SCN did not specify a personal hearing date, depriving the petitioner of an opportunity to be heard.

·       The GST registration was cancelled retrospectively from 15.07.2017.

·       No tax was determined to be due by the petitioner.

·       The petitioner claimed not to have received physical notice and was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

·       An appeal filed on 09.09.2022 was rejected due to the lapse of the stipulated period for filing appeals.


Petitioner's Submissions:

·       Contended that the SCN was vague and lacked specific allegations.

·       Highlighted the lack of reasons in the cancellation order and the unfairness due to the retrospective effect.

Respondent's Submissions:

·       Did not contest the factual scenario presented by the petitioner.


Court Findings and Judgment:

·       The court found the SCN cryptic and the cancellation order unreasoned, thus violating principles of natural justice.


·       Set aside the SCN and the cancellation order.

·       Directed the Appellate Authority to decide the appeal afresh on merits, uninfluenced by the question of delay, and to afford the petitioner an opportunity for a personal hearing.

·       The appeal is to be disposed of expeditiously, preferably within eight weeks.


The petition was disposed of, emphasizing the necessity for specific allegations in show cause notices and adherence to due process to ensure fairness.

Disclaimer: All the Information is based on the notification, circular and order issued by the Govt. authority and judgement delivered by the court or the authority information is strictly for educational purposes and on the basis of our best understanding of laws & not binding on anyone.

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